At tmsneaks we have a mission: to provide all of our readers with any information they may need for cleaning their sneakers and then maintaining that cleanness.
Most People have had many experiences were they would wear one pair of sneakers only one time and they are destroyed. And people have been put in situations in the past were lack of knowledge have ruined a good pair of sneakers with a bad method of cleaning. Sometime even throwing away sneakers thinking they could not be cleaned again.
On tmsneaks we have been doing tons of research and testing different methods. With a lot of trail and error we started to notice what works and what does not work. Then we came up with the idea to create a website where we could share tips and tricks on how to make sneakers clean and save people the trouble of have to learn from scratch.
We hope you found tmsneaks information helpful and if you happen to have any questions or would like to share tips or ideas of your own please check out our contact page. We hope to here from you all very soon and keep those sneakers clean!